A company’s profitability depends to a large degree on how productive each person in the company is, and how efficient each individual and the group as a whole are. There are other factors that affect profitability as well, but individual productivity, and individual and group efficiencies, are two of the greatest factors.
So one target of any business is to increase both its efficiency and productivity while keeping quality the same or even raising it higher.
Individual productivity and individual efficiency depend on the qualities, skills, abilities, work ethic and attitudes of a company’s personnel - each individual person. KLH Growth Systems devotes a great deal of attention and energy on personnel development. We also evaluate personnel for our clients, and let our clients know which people we think are not compatible with the company and its goals.
Productivity and efficiency are also affected by how a company is organized and structured. Good people badly organized will have lower productivity and efficiency. Negative or unproductive people well organized will have lower productivity and efficiency - possibly even having a negative effect on the business.
KLH Growth Strategies is expert in Productivity and Efficiency, and Personnel Evaluation and Development - all of which greatly increase revenues and profits.
Our library of videos and articles contain valuable information on how to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability in your business.